Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tenty-fourth New Thing Sally Sequel

Although it's not pretty or funny, I must admit everytime the story has been told it gets a huge - make that hysterical laugh! I have a feeling it will be "The Story" at the family reunion in two weeks.
We haven't had the best of weather lately. Lots of rain - make that lots and lots of rain lately which dampened the 4th of July festivities in Kansas this year!
It just so happened that my wonderful brother-in-law Don and sister Gerry decided to come and support me in my first car show venture. My youngest daughter Sam moved home for the month of July as well last Saturday and was devoted to being a support to Sally and me at the car show. It was to be a very exciting July 3rd!
At 4:00 my sister followed me to Carey Park so I could park and register Mustang Sally. She was a shining beauty among the other classic cars. We drove back home so we could freshen up a bit before the 6:00 show time! Much to our dismay it began to rain so my brother-in-law Don agreed to take me back to the park so he could help me latch the top which of course was down since convertibles show classier when the top is down. I am just sick to my stomach knowing it is raining down on Sally. As we hurriedly pulled into the park in a major downpour, Don missed the first turn but not to worry there was a second turn in. There was however some yellow tape kind of surrounding the area which we discovered was to section off a low pond that we happened to drive into. Yep, you read correctly we drove into the pond and after a few minutes were busy bailing muddy water out of the car seeping up through the underneath of his Buick LaCrosse with two coffee cups. We were a frantic sight and among the many people at the park, only 4 young kids waded in the water to try to push us out. I called triple A for the second time that week - don't ask about the first call a few days prior - and after bailing water in the pouring rain for 40 minutes a truck came by and hitched a chain to Don's bumper and successfully pulled us out. We were sure to be on YouTube or the front page of the newspaper since there were many budding young journalist/photographers taking pictures of us with their cameras and phones. UGH!
We did finally get to the very waterlogged Mustang Sally and managed to put the top up and drive her home. I dried her the best I could and called the insurance company today since she of course is refusing to start. I think she thinks I'm taking her out in to the big bad world again!

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