Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Twenty-seventh New Thing - Participation

Although it has been five years since I donated my kidney to my husband, I've agreed to participate in a study for living donors at the Cleveland Institute. I had the pure joy of meeting the nephrologist in charge of the study, Dr. Merriam Weiss. She was an absolute compassionate and highly intelligent woman. I suppose all doctors are:) Through our discussion I certainly learned a great deal about myself that I had kept well-hidden for years. I always thought centering on my memories would bring undeniable pain to me - that seemed to be my track record. I was pleasantly surprised at what I confided in her and how painless the process of reflecting on that walk with my husband was now. I know my grief of losing him is still so great. I also know that I won't ever really be okay, but I can and have learned to adapt and adjust to a new life without him. Thank you Dr. Merriam for your enlightenment and continued support.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Twenty-sixth New Thing 5K Race to End the Wait!

Madison was beautiful and the people even more so. Samantha and I met so many wonderful people all with a special story of why they were there. The 5k Race was titled End the Wait! I had the good fortune of racing with a fellow middle school teacher named Gina. She too was a living donor - she too shared her story of heartache and renewal of life for her little girl. And by the way that little girl, now 8 took home a gold medal in the 1K in her age division!
I didn't come in last. God is good! I did jog in drenched with sweat but oh so happy! My baby girl there watching and grinning from ear to ear telling me how proud she was of me. That was my gold medal!
If you've never tried something but feel compelled to make a statement, I would like to encourage you to get involved with something you are passionate about and discover what you can do to make a statement! I have a passion for organ donation. I was running for the memory of my husband, Doug, the real athlete in the family. I hope I made him proud - heaven only knows:)