Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thirty-second New Thing- A Diet Are You Kidding Me?

No joke - I went to my yearly physical and got the works, blood drawn, weighed, ticker checked out, ears, mouth - you name it my doctor checked it. Much to my demise she had received my blood results. Man that lab is fast - a little too fast.
I should preface this news with a very long day at work. I was fasting for ten hours with only water to drink. Between my tummy growling at me and my students deciding that today would be a good day to have recess in the classroom (we don't have recess in middle school) I was to say the least a bit edgy getting my blood drawn. Evidently my blood had a bone to pick with my cholesterol level. Ouch! And to make it worse my doctor is real happy about an increase in 40 points from last year, otherwise putting me right at the watch it or I put you on meds!
I would've never made a good druggie - I can't stand to take vitamins! So, with compliments from my doctor I now have several pieces of literature to read about my new Low/No Cholesterol DIET! This is going to be a tough one I told myself while ordering Mucho Nacho chips with no beans on my way home!
Ok I'm serious today though - no more cholesterol for me - wish me luck! I am looking at the positive of all this bad news - a teacher friend told me today that a little red wine daily will help - CHEERS!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thirty-first New Thing- A New Square Dance

Promenade and do si do - I just attended my first Promenade in Manhattan, Kansas. Although it wasn't a real square dance - what it was - was a scrumptious wine tasting and and yummy edibles and a variety of shops in Manhattan. They don't call it the "Little Apple" for nothing! Three women traveling with a wine glass and a purse with a credit card who could ask for more. I must admit however, I only purchased one box of canneloni shells. I can't wait for my next dinner party.
I think I need to spend more time in "The Little Apple" since I may not get to the "Big Apple."