Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thirty-third New Thing-Twins

Just when I didn't think my life as a new Nana could be more grand, my daughter Jen and her husband Clint discovered they were soon-to-be parents of fraternal twins. I'm already so very blessed with my 2 year-old grandson who I absolutely adore. He is going to be a wonderful big brother. And me - I'm going to be a twinerrific Nana!
I will give you all the details as soon as our babies are born. Please help me pray for health and safe deliveries for my daughter and her unborn babies.

A New Year Begins

I can't believe I began this blog one year ago. I've missed blogging the past few months, and am anxious to continue to reach my 50 New things! I've definitely added some new things to my list, but must admit they are not very note-worthy. Working on new committees at school, becoming team leader, adding Enrichment classes, although necessary and new, really aren't very exciting. Certainly nothing to write home about!!!!
What I can tell you is that I have a new attitude about the New Year! I'm already planning some quality time vacationing and spending time with family and friends.
Hang in there with me - I will be sharing some all-so-new things:)