Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fourth New Thing

Sometimes you don't know it's a new thing til a 13-yr old tells you!!! Yesterday I had the great fortune in writing class guiding my students brainstorming about Kansas leaders, when they used me as an example. WOW! I wasn't even on the Kansas leaders internet list! haha The students were referring to a project I started last week for my TA class called "Helping Hearts for Haiti". We are accepting donations until Friday, February 12th and will present our donation(hopefully large) to the Star of Hope director who has a mission set up in Haiti. I had my daughter, Jaclyn visit my class the day after the earthquake and present a keynote about Port au Prince and the Hatian people. Our business partner, a local medical clinic supplied me with chocolate valentine hearts to give to anyone who made a donation of a dollar or more as a little something sweet to thank them. I have students who work the tables each morning accepting donations, and the rest of my TA class works on announcements, posters, radio spots, our local school station etc....
My wonderful students quickly pointed out Ms. Sillin you had a "Vision" to help others in need, "Impact" because people will be helped, and "Problem Solver" you saw a problem and a way to help solve the problem.
Thank you 7th graders, because I'm only one person, and there is such strength in numbers! I would like to encourage anyone reading this blog to find a way to help someone in need whenever the occasion arises! Have a wonderful year!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Third New Thing

Well it's officially January 9th and my new thing is my new groove! I finally mastered the art of zamba/samba (not sure of the spelling). I just know it's a step we use frequently in Zumba exercise classes. I wouldn't let my girls leave after Christmas until the taught me the secret of this step. Needless to say I still had two left feet! I don't want to be the 50-year old that sticks out in class that can't do the samba/zamba. My older two girls are both married and are licensed Zumba instructors and teach classes in the respective towns they live in. I know they realize I'm a bit of a challenge, but I'm determined (some say bull-headed). I managed three classes of Zumba this week (usually Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings). I really love it, but in the winter I have to force myself to get out of my nice warm home in the evenings to go exercise. In class Tuesday I still couldn't samba/zamba, but Thursday I could (practice makes perfect). I thought it could be a fluke though, however this morning at class I looked like a pro - by golly I think I've got it Sherlock!
If you are looking for something "new" in your life try Zumba exercise - it's exhilerating and you burn the calories while having fun!
PS: I've been in Zumba classes for nearly two years now and finally mastered the zamba/samba! Hurrah, a New Year a "New" thing!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Second New Thing

Well who would've thought that a simple hairdo could make such a difference and boost in someone's life! I've decided to grow my hair out this year. Since it is at an inbetween stage, I decided to swoop my hair up for Zumba exercise class Tuesday night. My darling Zumba instructor came up to me afterwards and said, "Chris, I love your hair, it makes you look so young!" Well say no more- younger is always good!!!! I didn't realize it was a new thing til the next morning 1st hour reading class and 1/3 of my kiddos all commented on my new look and hair style-Wow! It's usually tough to impress 13 year-olds, but they were so complimentary, I've decided this is definitely going to be a returning look for me many times this year. I'll post a pic later and you can decide for yourself. The Language Arts aid commented on my new look and said I resembled Sarah Palin! Ok, that may be stretching it a little-but it sure brought a new color of blush to my cheeks!

Monday, January 4, 2010

First New Thing

Well it's only Monday, January 4th, 2010 and I have my first "new thing"-yea! For the first time today I had lunch with two teachers at my new school. We went to Carlos O'Kelly's! I know you might be thinking - big deal, what's so "new" about that???? The past few years I've been very content in my own little shell - I work hard - had to! One week after my 47th birthday my young husband died suddenly leaving me the task of taking over his businesses. With no time to grieve on my own, I ran the only two funeral homes in the county we lived in. Without going into detail right now about owning funeral homes (because that would take a separate blog) I dutifully spent many long hours working and went home each night to a very dark and empty home. Consequently, I closed myself off from just about everything. After a year I returned to what I love-teaching! However, I've used my teaching job as an excuse to work hard all day and close myself up at the end of the day too. So I guess you can see why this luncheon was important and "new" to me today, because I know it will be the first of many now! Sometimes you just got to begin again...........
PS: Thanks Becky and Myra:)

Nubmer One New Thing!

Well it's only Monday, January 4th, 2010 and I have my first "new thing"-yea! For the first time today I had lunch with two teachers at my new school. We went to Carlos O'Kelly's! I know you might be thinking - big deal, what's so "new" about that???? The past few years I've been very content in my own little shell - I work hard - had to! One week after my 47th birthday my young husband died suddenly leaving me the task of taking over his businesses. With no time to grieve on my own, I ran the only two funeral homes in the county we lived in. Without going into detail right now about owning funeral homes (because that would take a separate blog) I dutifully spent many long hours working and went home each night to a very dark and empty home. Consequently, I closed myself off from just about everything. After a year I returned to what I love-teaching! However, I've used my teaching job as an excuse to work hard all day and close myself up at the end of the day too. So I guess you can see why this luncheon was important and "new" to me today, because I know it will be the first of many now! Sometimes you just got to begin again...........
PS: Thanks Becky and Myra:)