Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fourteenth New Thing

I'm mulching - it's my own little way to celebrate Earth Day! Well, it's not totally brand new but it sure feels like it! A great deal has changed in lawn care in the last ten years. The last time I mowed I was pushing a Sears Craftsman mower. Ten years later I have a new Honda mower that is pulling me along - and that's on speed 1. I can't imagine what speed 4 does?????
I must admit it was interesting and it kept the neighbors amused:)
I'm determined to do my own lawn care - at least for the next ten years!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Thirteenth New Thing

This morning I felt more like Hey hey hey boo boo! Today was my first try at Yoga, but I probably looked like Yogi I bought a beginner DVD and yoga mat with my daughters last weekend. They chose my DVD and believe me it's a beginner! I've read about all the horrors that come with getting older and since this is my mid-life crisis blog, I'm focusing on things that are good for me or bring joy to my life! I don't think yoga brings me any joy yet, but hopefully it will work on my flexibility (which I'm definitely lacking) and strength (inner and outer). I'm going to get my money's worth out of this DVD. My advice to you if you are a yoga newbie - get the mat, a towel just won't do!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Twelve New Thing

Well it's official. I wrote earlier about signing up for my first ever 5Krun/walk in Madison, WI, and how I needed to run and stay committed to the treadmill or walking. Since I don't want to come in last, I needed to add jogging to my regimen. I can honestly say I've never jogged, nor have ever had the desire. This morning I walked and jogged sporadically to strengthen my training for the 5K. Thankfully my daughter Sam was home and professed her training techniques to me. We found a nearby track and jogged the straights and walked the curves. I even learned how to breathe correctly. Funny, I didn't know you could breathe incorrectly while jogging! Something about breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Since I officially know how to breathe and didn't suffer any ill effects from this morning's jog/walk - you know I didn't have a heart attack!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eleventh New Thing

Ouch! You know you are getting old when you have to attend a retirement seminar. Well that's my new thing today. I really haven't been looking forward to it either. It's a reminder of all the things that pain me in life - getting older, planning a retirement budget, no spouse to combine a retirement income with, valuable teaching years left and the list goes on......
On the flip side, I decided I needed a treat after the seminar and went to the local coffee place. Ahh! What a tall double decaf mocha bianca can do for the soul. Just the touch to make me realize the seminar was a wake-up call to plan and organize my valuable teaching years left and work hard the next ten years so retirement will be a blessing not a curse.
I certainly did learn crucial information that I didn't know or understand before. And because of that I'm working on buying back four years of KPERS that will be a definite plus come retirement time, since I can't depend on the multi-state lottery to fulfill my retirement plans.