Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thirty-fifth New Thing - A New Budding Business!

Nimble fingers might produce the next big thing at the Fleur! The Fleur is a charming store located in a french settlement in northwest Kansas. My mother, at 88, a crafter of many items supplies items for the store, as well as many others. The owners (3 sisters) supply their store with the goods of many crafters and provide new items they purchase to sell.
My youngest daughter learned to knit from her grandmother over the Christmas break, and I decided that she and her older sister needed to teach me to knit also. Since Christmas, I took the plunge and began knitting boutique fashion scarves, that wrap around the neck and enclose with a large button- I must admit they are adorable and warm! Kansas girls like to be warm while looking adorable:)
I have my printed business cards and a new business "CrissCross Creations". I'm toying with a few other crafty items include vintage eyeglass cases made from vintage ties, and travel bags for curling irons!
I'll post right away if Vogue picks up my unique fashion scarves!!!!

Whirling 5 months - I've missed you so.....

The last time I wrote we just found out we were expecting twins. I say we, because I think I treaded each major step with my ever-growing daughter. So very anxious to discover if our little bundles were boys, girls, or one of each, my kids were determined to be surprised this time. And surprised we were with the unexpected emergency cesarean April 13th. Two beautiful baby boys entered this world with a multitude of frightening health concerns.
God is good and he blessed us with an Easter miracle and the boys survived their health concerns and actually became non-existent God is so powerful like that!
My 2 1/2 year old grandson Hayden continues to play trains around his twins brothers, and I can only just imagine all the great memories my daughter and her husband will have raising three boys. I can only imagine because my memories are of raising three girls and that was a joy beyond joy! I'm so very lucky to be a NANA!