Saturday, April 17, 2010

Twelve New Thing

Well it's official. I wrote earlier about signing up for my first ever 5Krun/walk in Madison, WI, and how I needed to run and stay committed to the treadmill or walking. Since I don't want to come in last, I needed to add jogging to my regimen. I can honestly say I've never jogged, nor have ever had the desire. This morning I walked and jogged sporadically to strengthen my training for the 5K. Thankfully my daughter Sam was home and professed her training techniques to me. We found a nearby track and jogged the straights and walked the curves. I even learned how to breathe correctly. Funny, I didn't know you could breathe incorrectly while jogging! Something about breathe in through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Since I officially know how to breathe and didn't suffer any ill effects from this morning's jog/walk - you know I didn't have a heart attack!

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